Bestie Baby Diapers


Bestie Baby Diapers

quantity : 36 pieces


Bestie Baby Diapers

Top Sheet – It has been specially designed to quickly transfer fluids, into get while remaining soft and dry to the touch.

Back Sheet – The water-resistant outer layer of the diaper and it prevents liquids from passing through the diaper and leaking onto the baby’s clothing or surrounding environment.

Super Absorbent Gel – It quickly absorbs urine to the poly crylate super absorbent material, where it is trapped. This keeps the baby’s skin dry, even if he or she sits on a full diaper.

Acquisition Distribution Layer – It moves liquid away from the baby’s skin and distributes if more evently across the entire diaper core for better absorbency.

Secure Magic Tape – It allows, easy application and snug fit.

Stand-Up Legs Cult – It has elastic waist that provides multi-protection.

Diapering Tips – Change diapers frequently to avoid diaper rash. Learn about difference between regular diaper rash and yeast diaper rash, since they need to be treated differently. Keep distractions handy. Stock up on diapers so you don’t run out. If poop keeps leaking out the top back of your baby’s diaper, It may be time to go up a size. When you leave home, carry some extra plastic or bio-degradeable bags with you so you have somewhere to put dirty diapers if there’s nowhere to dispose of them.

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